


发布时间:2007-4-4 8:40:46 图书馆开通EBSCO纺织技术文摘数据库(TextileTechnologyIndex)试用 (1)试用截止至2007年4月30日 (2)登录方式: 首先进入EBSCO数据库平台http://lib.auts.edu.cn/resource/redirect.asp?columid=8&redirect=http://search.epnet.com/ 选择“EBSCO纺织技术文摘数据库”进入即可。 注:由于我校已经购买EBSCO的ASP、BSP等多个全文数据库,所以此文摘数据库中部分文献可直接查看到全文。 (3)数据库简介: TextileTechnologyIndex纺织技术文摘 此数据库之前身为纺织技术学院(TheInstituteTextileTechnology)之TextileTechnologyDigest,创立于1944年,知名出版品如: AATCC Review, Journal of the Society of Dyers & Colourists Cotton Outlook Sen-i Gakkaishi Fibre Chemistry Textile Technology International International Fiber Journal Textile Chemist & American Dyestuff Reporter Journal of the Textile Institute Textile Research Journal 等 此外,TTI所收录之期刊在EBSCOhost(i.e. ASP and BSP)有全文内容者,如: Biocontrol Science & Technology Mechanical Engineering BioCycle Modern Plastics Bobbin Nation's Business Chemical Week Photodermatology Colourage Photoimmunology and Photomedicine Consumers' Research Magazine Plant Engineering Energy User News Pollution Engineering Engineering Economist Popular Science European Chemical News Pulp & Pape Home Textiles Today Scientific America IBM Journal of Research & Venereology Technology Review Manufacturing Systems(MSI) Textile World Material Handling Engineering Water & Wastes Digest 等