麻省理工金融工程实验室 - MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering (LFE) designed to support and promote quantitative research in financial engineering and computational finance. The research projects are grouped into three Program areas: Capital Markets, Risk Management, Financial Technology.
北京大学光华管理学院 -学院设有10个系,分别是:应用经济学系、金融系、组织管理系、市场营销系、战略管理系、会计系、管理科学与工程系、信息系统与物流管理系、商务统计与经济计量系、卫生经济与管理系。
复旦大学管理学院 - 目前学院设有信息管理与信息系统系、管理科学系、会计学系、统计学系、企业管理系、市场营销系、财务金融系、产业经济系8个系,1个高级经理培训部,以及17个跨学科研究中心或研究所。
武汉大学经济与管理学院- 经济与管理学院涵盖经济、管理学两个学科门类。有理论经济学、应用经济学、管理科学与工程、工商管理4个一级学科,全部具有一级学科博士学位授予权。理论经济学、工商管理设有博士后科研流动站。
上海交通大学安泰管理学院 - 设有工商管理系、经济与金融系和管理科学与工程系,另设系统工程研究所、人力资源研究所、交通运输研究所、市场营销研究中心和现代金融研究中心等28个研究机构。
厦门大学管理学院 - 现有会计系、企业管理系、管理科学系、旅游系、工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)、高级经理教育中心( EMBA)等单位。
浙江大学管理学院 - 设管理科学与工程学、工商管理、旅游管理、农业经济与管理四个系。
中山大学管理学院 -学院现有工商管理、会计学、市场学、财务与投资、旅游酒店管理、管理科学等6个系,拥有工商管理和管理科学与工程两个一级学科,8个博士点、13个硕士点、7个本科专业,15个研究机构。
The American Finance Association (AFA) - is the premier academic organization devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about financial economics.
国际30人小组 - established in 1978,is a private, nonprofit, international body composed of very senior representatives of the private and public sectors and academia aims to deepen understanding of international economic and financial issues.
麦克维经济政策分析学会 - The McKeever Institute of Economic Policy Analysis,MIEPA,is dedicated to the betterment of humanity through the promotion of sound economic policies.
区域化与全球化研究中心 - Inaugurated on 1 October 1997, the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR)--with initial baseline funding of 2.5 million for the first five years by the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK--is the largest research centre dealing with the study of globalisation and regionalisation in Europe.
国际竞争研究学会 - a research center affiliated with the University of Rhode Island and concerned with industrial organization and international economics.
美国国家经济研究局 - The NBER is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of how the economy works. The research is conducted by more than 600 university professors around the country, the leading scholars in their fields.
经济与社会研究会 - The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is the UK’s leading research funding and training agency addressing economic and social concerns. The issues considered include economic competitiveness, the effectiveness of public services and policy, and our quality of life.
Global Economic Institutions(GEI) - The Global Economic Institutions (GEI) Research Programme is a research programme funded by the Economic and Social Research Council of Great Britain, which began in 1994 and which will run until 1999. The purpose of the programme is to study how existing global economic institutions and regimes operate, how they might be improved, and whether new institutions are needed.
CEPR - center for economic policy research
金融工程师协会 - The International Association Financial Engineers(IAFE),Founded in 1992 dedicated to fostering the profession of quantitative finance by providing platforms to discuss cutting-edge and pivotal issues.
全球风险管理专家协会(GARP) - The Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) is a not-for-profit association consisting of 31240 individuals aims is to encourage and enhance communications between risk professionals, practitioners and regulators worldwide.
国际互换与衍生金融产品协会(ISDA) - The International Swaps and Derivatives Association is the global trade association representing participants in the privately negotiated derivatives industry, a business covering swaps and options across all asset classes (interest rate, currency, commodity and energy, credit and equity);efforts to identify and reduce the sources of risk in the derivatives and risk management business.
美国全国期货协会(NFA) - National Futures Association is the premier independent provider of innovative and efficient regulatory programs that safeguard the integrity of the derivatives markets.
选择投资管理协会(AIMA) - The Alternative Investment Management Association is the Global, Not-for-Profit Trade Association for Hedge Funds, Managed Futures and Managed Currency Funds.
亚太经合组织 - APEC是亚太地区最重要的经济组织之一,自1989年11月起,APEC先后成立了十个专题工作组和两个特设工作组(即“经济发展趋势及问题特设工作组”和“区域贸易自由化问题非正式工作组”,现已分别改为“贸易和投资委员会”和“经济委员会”)。
亚太金融协会 - The Asia Pacific Finance Association , created in 1993 to promote academic financial research (especially relating to the Asia Pacific region) to disseminate its findings and to facilitate the exchange of information, ideas and staff among educators and between business executives and academics through conferences and publications.
中国留美经济学会 - The Chinese Economists Society (CES) is a non-profit academic organization founded on May 26, 1985, in New York City. The purpose is to promote market-based economic reform and open-door policy in China, expand academic exchanges between China and the outside world and engage in scholarly studies of the Chinese economy.
ACR - The mission of the Association for Consumer Research is to advance consumer research and facilitate the exchange of scholarly information among members of academia, industry, and government worldwide. contains information on: conferences,publications, recognition , research values.
The Market Research Society - is the world’s largest international membership organisation for professional researchers and others engaged or interested in market, social and opinion research.
Marketing Management Association
Marketing Research Association
国泰君安证券研究所 - 国泰君安研究所金融工程部主要从事金融创新研究,包括衍生工具与金融新产品的开发、投资组合的研究与运作策略,国际股市、汇市、债市的各种套利机制和风险对冲工具的研究;交易制度的研究等。
国务院发展研究中心 - 国务院发展研究中心是直属国务院的政策研究和咨询机构。
中国宏观经济学会 - 中国宏观经济学会隶属国家计委,主要任务是从事国家经济发展的战略性规划、宏观经济政策实践及经济运行中的重大现实问题等研究,向政府部门提供建议和咨询服务,并促进和推动学术的繁荣。建有中宏网及中宏数据库。