he 3rd International Conference on Materials and Engineering Technology
(MET 2016)
The 3rd International Conference on Materials and Engineering Technology(MET 2016)will be held in Sanya, China, December 2-4,2016.
MET 2016 is a remarkable event which brings together professors, researchers and students in the field of Materials and Engineering Technology making the conference a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.
Publication and Index
All accepted papers will be submitted to TTP conference proceedings for publication, Publisher will submit the proceedings to Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Inspec, ProQuest, EBSCO for indexing.
All good papers on materials will be recommended to Journal EMR for publication, index way is SCI and EI.
更多SCI期刊也已经加入MET 2016,您可以登录网站查阅相关信息。
Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:
Topic I. Material Science and Engineering
Topic II. Biomaterial and Chemical Materials
Topic III. New Materials and Advanced Materials
Topic IV. Material Processing Technology and Manufacturing Technology...
If you want to submit your paper, please see the Author Guidelines on the website.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Due: August 31, 2016
Contact Us
Tel: +86 13125037739